What is the PTA?
The Parent Teacher Association is open to all parents/carers of Abbots Hall Primary. It is a community of volunteers, who work alongside the school and teachers, to benefit the school, and help enhance the already fantastic educational experience they receive here.
How does the PTA benefit the school?
Parents/carers have a big impact on how well their children can do at school. With an active role in the PTA, you can get involved and help make a difference whilst making new friends and helping grow our school community:
- We provide help to support the children’s learning.
- We help raise funds through events and activities to help supplement funds for school initiatives.
- We provide a way to gain confidence for our volunteers.
- We give back to the school.
Our events:
Here at Abbots Hall Primary, we try to keep costs to a minimum for parents/carers, whilst ensuring the children have fun, and we make enough profit to enable us to put back into the school. Over the last year we have held 2 school discos, provided refreshments at events, held an adult-only quiz night, run the mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, organised the Christmas fete and Summer Big Bounce. With the rising cost of living, we have tried not to raise our prices for the past few years to enable all children to attend as much as possible.
How we give back:
Fundamentally, we are here to give back to the school and children, in as many ways as we can. This year we bought football kits, given £2500 to the building of the new library, and liaised with the school and outside agencies to gain funding for the rest of the library. We bought medals to celebrate the Kings Coronation, Easter eggs for all the children and ice lollies for after sports day. We have also arranged for an ice-cream van to visit all the children at school on the last day of term. In the coming year we will be looking at how best to raise funds for equipment for the playground.
How can I help?
Here is where you come in. There are many ways you can support the PTA, both big and small. From fundraising, to buying, supervising events, joining our committee, and attending meetings. We always welcome new members and would love to meet you! There’s always a cup of tea and a biscuit lurking! Could you spare an hour to help run a stall, help organise raffle tickets, face paint, help set up an event, or even help us get prizes for our raffles.
All of us have skills we use in our day-to-day lives that can help our PTA, and school, be the best we can! There is a great sense of satisfaction from an event well-done and happy, smiling children. All the current PTA members work as well as juggle other commitments, so we do understand that life is hectic, and we strive to strike a happy balance. The more volunteers we have, the more the load is shared. These events can’t take place without support.
Thank you for your support,
Gemma Robertson
Chair – Abbots Hall Primary PTA